Expressional Attitude Toward Family Planning is a 10-item measure of women's emotional responses to the idea of using family planning (FP) methods. Items cover emotional and physical aspects of FP use.
Geographies Tested: Ethiopia
Populations Included: Female
Age Range: Adolescents, Adults
1. How pleasant you will be if you use family planning?
2. Does limiting the number of children have anything worthy for you?
3. How pleasant if you use family planning for limiting the number of children?
4. How comfortable is it, if you use family planning?
5. Does the comfort of family planning methods matter for you?
6. How do you feel if you use family planning?
7. How would you feel if family planning methods administered through injection?
8. Does the pain following the use of injectable methods bother you?
9. How important the pleasure you would get if you use family planning?
10. How you are concerned with psychological factors following family planning use?
Response Options:
3-point Likert scale
Unlikelyunworthy - 1
Likelyworthy - 3
The scores for all items are added together to create a combined score.
Alemayehu, M., Medhanyie, A. A., Reed, E., & Bezabih, A. M. (2020). Validation of family planning tool in the pastoralist community. Reproductive Health, 17(1), 123.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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