Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS-15) v3.0 is a 15-item measure of psychological hardiness, covering aspects related to commitment, control, and challenge.
Geographies Tested: Norway,United States of America
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adults
Below are statements about life that people often feel differently about. Please check a box to show how much you think each one is true for you. Give your own honest opinions… There are no right or wrong answers!
1. Most of my life gets spent doing things that are meaningful. (CM)
2. By working hard you can nearly always achieve your goals. (CO)
3. I don't like to make changes in my regular activities. (CH)*
4. I feel that my life is somewhat empty of meaning. (CM)*
5. Changes in routine are interesting to me. (CH)
6. How things go in my life depends on my own actions. (CO)
7. I really look forward to my daily activities. (CM)
8. I don’t think there’s much I can do to influence my own future. (CO)*
9. I enjoy the challenge when I have to do more than one thing at a time. (CH)
10. Most days, life is really interesting and exciting for me. (CM)
11. It bothers me when my daily routine gets interrupted. (CH)*
12. It is up to me to decide how the rest of my life will be. (CO)
13. Life in general is boring for me. (CM)*
14. I like having a daily schedule that doesn't change very much. (CH)*
15. My choices make a real difference in how things turn out in the end. (CO)
Response Options:
Not At All True- 0
A Little True - 1
Quite True - 2
Completely True - 3
*Items are reverse scored.
CM=commitment; CO=control; CH=challenge
Responses to items are added to estimate overall level of hardiness.
Bartone, P. T. (2013). Cross-cultural adaptation of the DRS-15 Dispositional Resilience Scale: A short hardiness measure. Fulbright Research Fellowship. Bergen, Norway. http://www.hardiness-resilience.com/docs/Cross-cultural adaptation of DRS Fulbright.pdf
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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