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Health System Readiness to Provide Sterilization

Health System Readiness to Provide Sterilization is a 32-item measure of family planning facility-level infrastructure and personnel to provide female sterilization. The measure is calculated from DLHS 2012–13 -India facility survey data.


Geographies Tested: India

Populations Included:

Age Range:


1. Availability of 24*7 running water supply
2. Availability of regular power supply
3. Availability of generator/invertor
4. Availability of proper sewage facility
5. Availability of functional ECG machine
6. Availability of functional X-ray machine
7. Availability of functional ultrasound machine
8. Availability of functional operation theatre
9. Availability of functional labor room
10. Availability of functional pharmacy
11. Availability of functional blood bank
12. Availability of functional blood storage facility
13. Availability of functional laboratory services
14. Availability of functional ambulance
15. Availability of functional stock registers
16. Availability of functional OPD registers
17. Availability of delivery registers
18. Availability of IPD registers
19. Facility wise data uploaded on HMIS portal
20. Availability of clean OPD
21. Availability of clean rooms
22. Availability of clean wards
23. Availability of clean premises
24. Availability of primary health nurse
25. Availability of ANM
26. Availability of staff nurse
27. Availability of pharmacist/Compounder
28. Availability of general surgeon
29. Availability of gynecologist
30. Availability of anesthetist
31. Availability of physician
32. Availability of pediatrician

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 0

Scoring Procedures

Index scores are calculated by principal component analysis. A negative mean score is considered having a 'low' structure score, which denotes that the district has poor infrastructure and readiness. A positive mean scores means having a 'high' structure score. A binary variable was created at the district level and coded as either '0' for low and '1' for high.

Original Citation

Joseph, K. J. V., Mozumdar, A., Lhungdim, H., & Acharya, R. (2020). Quality of care in sterilization services at the public health facilities in India: A multilevel analysis. PLoS One, 15(11), e0241499.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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