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Strength of Social Gender Norms (SSGN)

Strength of Social Gender Norms (SSGN) is a 22-item measure that intends to capture descriptive and injunctive norms among adolescents in India that impact women's employment.


Geographies Tested: India

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adolescents


Descriptive Norm Perceptions
We want you to think about what most people in your community are actually doing. For example, people in your community can go out to work every day. This may be everyone, more than half, about half, less than half or no one. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. These are based on your observations.

How many...
1. Women work outside the home?
2. Women work outside the home after getting married?
3. Women work outside the home because they need the money for daily household expenses?
4. Women work outside the home because their husbands are unwell?
5. Women return home from work every day after 7pm?
6. Women work with men from other families?
7. Women are the sole breadwinners for their family?
8. Girls work outside the home?
9. Girls go to college in order to get a job?
10. Girls work outside the home immediately after leaving school?
11. Girls work outside the home before getting married?

Response Options:
No one does - 1
Less than half do - 2
Half do - 3
More than half do - 4
Everyone does - 5

Injunctive Norm Perceptions
Now, we will now ask about what most people in your community believe others should do. Before doing something or making a decision, some people think. "What will people say?". You may not know exactly what they are thinking or how they will react, and that is okay. I will describe a situation and ask you to estimate what your community would say. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. We want your best guess about what your community will say.

What would most people in your community say if...
12. A woman works outside the home?
13. A woman works outside the home after getting married?
14. A woman works outside the home because she needs the money for daily household expenses?
15. A woman works outside the home because her husband is unwell?
16. A woman returns home from work every day after 7 pm?
17. A woman works with men from other families?
18. A woman is the sole breadwinner for her family?
19. A girl works outside the home?
20. A girl goes to college in order to get a job?
21. A girl works outside the home immediately after leaving school?
22. A girl works outside the home before getting married?

Response Options:
Very bad: "Their family will be shunned" - 1
Bad: "A few people will ask questions and gossip" - 2
Nothing: "No one will say anything" - 3
Good: "A few people will support them" - 4
Very good: "Their family will be celebrated" - 5

Scoring Procedures

The mean score of all 22 items is calculated, ranging from 1 (tighter, or inequitable norm perceptions) to 5 (more liberal or egalitarian norm perceptions). Further scoring details on the associated social norm strength can be found in the original citation.

Original Citation

Gorur, K., Cislaghi, B., & Forscher, P. (2023). An improved measure the Strength of Social Gender Norms (SSGN) developed for adolescents in Uttar Pradesh, India. Collabra: Psychology, 9(1), 1-17.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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