Condom Use Self Efficacy Scale (CUSES)-Ghana is a 14-item scale used to assess condom use self-efficacy. In particular, it is culturally appropriate for use among Ghanaian youth to measure actual condom use and evaluate interventions meant to increase condom use.
Geographies Tested: Ghana
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adults
Factor 1: Appropriation
1. I would feel embarrassed to put a condom on myself or my partner
2. I feel confident I could gracefully remove and dispose of a condom when we have intercourse
3. I feel confident in my ability to incorporate putting a condom on myself or my partner into foreplay
4. I feel confident that I could use a condom with a partner without "breaking the mood."
5. I feel confident that I could use a condom successfully
Factor 2: Assertive
6. I feel confident in my ability to discuss condom usage with any partner I might have
7. I feel confident in my ability to suggest using condoms with a new partner
8. I feel confident I could suggest using a condom without my partner feeling "diseased"
Factor 3: Pleasure and Intoxicant
9. I feel confident I could use a condom during intercourse without reducing any sexual sensations
10. I feel confident that I would remember to use a condom even after I have been drinking
11. I feel confident that I would remember to use a condom even if I were high
Factor 4: STDs
12. I would not feel confident suggesting using condoms with a new partner because I would be afraid he or she would think I've had a homosexual experience
13. I would not feel confident suggesting using condoms with a new partner because I would be afraid he or she would think I have a sexually transmitted disease
14. I would not feel confident suggesting using condoms with a new partner because I would be afraid he or she would think I thought they had a sexually transmitted disease
*Items reverse coded during scoring
Response Options: Strongly agree - 0 Disagree - 1 Undecided - 2 Agree - 3 Strongly agree - 4
The Condom Use Self Efficacy Scale (CUSES)- Ghana uses a 5-point Likert scale that ranges from strongly agree to disagree. Higher scores indicate a stronger or higher perception of condom use efficacy, after reversing negatively worded items.
Asante, K. O., & Doku, P. N. (2010). Cultural adaptation of the Condom Use Self Efficacy Scale (CUSES) in Ghana. BMC Public Health, 10(227), 1-7.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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