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Low and Middle Income Countries Social Capital Assessment Tool for Maternal Health (LSCAT-MH)

Low and Middle Income Countries Social Capital Assessment Tool for Maternal Health (LSCAT-MH) is a 24-item measure of social capital with regards to maternal health among pregnant women. Items are divided into two subscales: cognitive social capital and structural social capital. Four domains are covered in this measure: (1) neighbourhood networks (structural bonding), (2) domestic and neighbourhood cohesion (cognitive bonding), (3) social contribution and (4) social participation (structural bridging).


Geographies Tested: Sri Lanka

Populations Included: Female

Age Range: Adults


Cognitive Social Capital
1. There are times when me and my husband argue and quarrel
2. Family members argue and quarrel

Response Options:
Always - 1
Most of the time - 2
Sometimes - 3
Rarely - 4
Never - 5
Not relevant as husband doesn't live with me - 6

3. People in this neighbourhood treat me as their own
4. I feel loved and cared for by my neighbours
5. I enjoy spending time with my neighbours
6. In this neighbourhood, we help each other with our needs
7. In general my neighbours are trustworthy
8. There is someone who can help me with my household chores
9. In emergency, there is someone who can help me financially
10. There is someone who can help console me when I'm stressed
11. There is someone who I can consult if I need to get information knowledge if I need to

Response Options:
Always - 1
Most of the time - 2
Sometimes - 3
Rarely - 4
Never - 5

Structural Social Capital
How often do you engage in the following activities?
12. Meeting with friends or relatives in the neighbourhood
13. Connecting with friends and relatives away from this neighbourhood through telephone face book etc.
14. Participate in cultural eventsfestivalstrips
15. Visit the city or the market

Response Options:
Daily-several times per week - 1
Once a week - 2
Once a month - 3
Rarely - 4
Never - 5

16. If people in this neighborhood face a common problem, I would join them to solve it

How much do you contribute to the society by engaging in the following activities. (Please consider your pregnancy period)?

17. Work for yourself or someone else for pay
18. Take responsibilities at home
19. Take responsibilities for social activities in the neighbourhood
20. Teach young ones
21. Help a poor family
22. Look after other children

Response Options:
Always - 1
Most of the time - 2
Sometimes - 3
Rarely - 4
Never - 5

23. How much do you trust the heath services offered to you?*

Response Options:
Great - 1
Somewhat - 2
A little - 3
Never - 4
Not sure - 5

24. Are you a member of any groupassociation or committee in this neighbourhood-funeral or other society?*

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

*Items were not included in the psychometric testing

Scoring Procedures

Item totals are summed, creating a maximum possible score of 120.

Original Citation

Agampodi, T. C., Agampodi, S. B., Glozier, N., Lelwala, T. A., Sirisena, K., & Siribaddana, S. (2019). Development and validation of the Social Capital Assessment Tool in pregnancy for Maternal Health in low and middle income countries (LSCAT-MH). BMJ Open, 9, e027781.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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