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Gender Equity Scale

The Gender Equity Scale is a 29-item measure of individual perceptions of gender equity. The scale captures constructs including decision making power, the condoning of violence against women, and the role of women in the household.


Geographies Tested: India

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


1. A wife should eat after her husband and children have had their food.
2. A woman should always be ready whenever her husband wants to have sex.
3. A woman should obtain permission to seek medical treatment from her husband for any kind of health problems.
4. A wife should manage the household with whatever money the husband gives.
5. A woman is responsible for her own poor health.
6. A man should have control over his wife.
7. A woman should work only with other women outside of the house.
8. If a wife disobeys her husband, she should be sent to her maternal home (as punishment).
9. A woman can beathit her husband whenever her husband beats her.
10. Only a man is responsible for household finances.
11. A woman can get spoiled if she goes out of her home too often.
12. A wife should take permission from the husband when she goes anywhere out of house.
13. A wife should think about her husband and children's health before her own.
14. Women engage in sex only for men's satisfaction.
15. The status of women is lower than that of men.
16. If a husband is angry he can yell at his wife.
17. A wife should feel free to criticize husband's bad behavior.
18. A woman should talk about her health problems only with other women.
19. A woman should always cover their headwear burkhadupatta before stepping out of the house.
20. A husband should only talk about household work and childcare issues with his wife.
21. If a husband beats his wife, she should not share it with anyone.
22. Only the wife is responsible for all household work.
23. A man can spend any amount of time with his friends, as he wishes.
24. A woman should finish all the household work before taking rest.
25. A husband is a woman's primary sense of self pride.
26. A woman is responsible for the reputation, honor and respect of the family.
27. A woman can participate in community activity as per her wish.
28. A woman can talk to men other than her husband.
29. A wife can be beaten up if she does not listen to (obey) her husband.

Response Options:
4-point scale
Strongly disagree - 0
Strongly agree - 4

Scoring Procedures

All items are coded such that higher scores indicate more equitable attitudes toward women. Reverse coding is necessary for all items (excluding items 9, 17, 27, 28) to ensure that scores indicate the same direction for all variables.

Original Citation

Kostick, K. M., Schensul, S. L., Singh, R., Pelto, P., & Saggurti, N. (2011). A methodology for building culture and gender norms into intervention: An example from Mumbai, India. Social science & medicine, 72(10), 1630-1638.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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