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Decision Making and Mobility

Decision Making and Mobility includes 11 items related to decision making within the household with regards to purchases, selling of farming products, mode of transportation, and household garbage management. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire which can be found here.


Geographies Tested:

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range:


1. Who in your household decides how the money you earn will be used?

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4

2. Who usually makes decisions regarding purchases of farm animals?

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4
We haven't made any decisions on this matter- 5

3. Who usually makes decisions regarding purchases of agriculture and farming products (e.g. seeds, pesticides, antibiotics, fishing nets, etc.)?

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4
We haven't made any decisions on this matter- 5

4. Who usually makes decisions regarding the selling of farming products (e.g. farming yields, animals, excess products from subsistence farming, etc.)

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4
We haven't made any decisions on this matter- 5

5. Who usually makes decisions regarding purchases of petrol gas fuel?

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4
We haven't made any decisions on this matter- 5

6. Who usually makes decisions regarding household garbage management (e.g. recycling, disposal, etc.)?

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4
We haven't made any decisions on this matter- 5

7. Who usually makes decisions regarding your daily use of means of transportation (e.g. car vs. motorcycle vs. public transportation, etc.)?

Response Options:
Myself alone- 1
My partner alone- 2
Me and my partner jointly- 3
Other- 4
We haven't made any decisions on this matter- 5

8. In a normal day, do you typically use public transportation?

Response Options:
Yes, I use public transportation sometimes- 1
Yes, I use public transportation often- 2
No, I use a private vehicle- 3
No, I don't need to go far- 4
No, I cannot afford public transportation- 5
No, no public transportation exists near my home- 6
No, no public transportation reaches the desired destination- 7
No, I don't feel safe in public transportation- 8
No, public transportation is too slow or inconvenient- 9

9. What kind of public transportation do you typically use the most?

Response Options:
Bus- 1
Subway Metro Skytrain Monorail- 2
Tram- 3
Taxi- 4
Motorbike taxi- 5
Shared van- 6
Rikshaw- 7
Motorized rikshaw or bike with sidecar- 8
Public Boat Ferry- 9
Other- 10

10. What private mean of transportation do you use the most? (excludes public transit)

Response Options:
Bicycle- 1
Car Truck- 2
Motorbike- 3
Boat- 4
Motorized rikshaw or bike with sidecar- 5
Other- 6
None- 7

11. How often do you personally use a private vehicle?

Response Options:
Every day- 1
Twice a week or more- 2
At least once a week- 3
More than once a month but not every week- 4
Once a month or less- 5

Scoring Procedures

Not Available

Original Citation

UN Women (2020). Model questionnaire: Measuring the nexus between gender and environment.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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