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Employment in the Green Economy

Employment in the Green Economy includes 13 items related to the respondents' job and the activities they currently do, in the context of environmental goods and services. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire which can be found here.


Geographies Tested:

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range:


1. Which of the following best describes what you are MAINLY doing at present…?

Response Options:
Working for someone else for pay- 1
Working in own farming, raising animals, fishing or fish farming- 2
Working in any other kind of business activity- 3
Taking care of the homefamily- 4
Studying- 5
Doing an unpaid apprenticeship, internship- 6
Doing unpaid voluntary, community, charity work- 7
Looking for work- 8
Retired or pensioner- 9
With long-term illness, injury or disability- 10
Other (specify:__)- 11

2. Are the farming, fishing or animal products that you are working on intended…?

Response Options:
Only for sale- 1
Mainly for sale- 2
Mainly for family consumption- 3
Only for family consumption- 4

3. What are the main (productsanimals) that you are working on? (WRITE MAIN GOODS –e.g. [maize, rice, apples, oranges, cattle, sheep, fresh water fish])

4. Last week, from (DAY) to (DAY), did you …?

Response Options:
Do any (other) work to generate an income, even for 1 hour [e.g. casual, part-time, odd jobs, making things to sell, offering services for pay]- 1
Have a paid job or business activity, but (werewas) temporarily absent- 2
Help without pay in a family business- 3
Did not contribute to any income generating activity (for myself or for others), not even for one hour- 4

5. What kind of work do you do in your main jobbusiness? (Write the occupation title and main tasks and duties – e.g. [Cattle farmer –breed, raise, sell cattle; Policeman –patrol the streets; Primary school teacher –teach children to read, write])

Occupation title:____
Main tasksduties: ___

6. What is the main activity of the place where you work? (Write the main activity of the establishment and main products or services provided – e.g. [Police Department –public safety; Restaurant –preparing and serving meals; Transport company –long distance transport of goods])

Occupation title:____
Main tasksduties: ___

7. Do you work as...?

Response Options:
Employee- 1
Paid apprentice, intern- 2
Employer (with hired employees)- 3
Own-account worker (without hired employees)- 4
Helper (without pay) in a family business- 5

8. Does your employer pay contributions to [NAME OF NATIONAL PENSION FUND, HEALTH INSURANCE] on your behalf?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2
Don't know- 98

9. Is your business registered in the [NAME OF NATIONAL BUSINESS REGISTER]?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2
Don't know- 98

10. During the last month were you involved in the production of any of the following categories of environmental goods and services intended for consumption outside your worksite? These goods and services also include research and development, installation, and maintenance services.

a. Energy from renewable sources [such as solar, wind, biomass, solid waste, hydroelectric, etc.] (Includes generation of electricity, heat or fuel but also manufacture, installation and maintenance of related machinery and equipment)

b. Energy efficient goods and technologies [such as design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of (a) energy efficient manufacturing equipment, domestic electrical appliances, buildings, vehicles and parts for these vehicles; energy efficient lighting (e.g. led), more-efficient burners, stoves, boilers and pumps, water efficient equipment, insulation material, (b) Smart Grid technologies that improve the efficiency of energy storage and distribution; (c) Provision of efficient transportation technologies and services, including traffic management, intelligent traffic control]

c. Recycling and reuse of resources [such as (a) Collect, separate and sort, recycle, reuse, remanufacture waste material (e.g. glass, metals, paper, rubber, textiles, etc.) and (b) Manufacturing of equipment for waste collection and waste treatment (e.g. containers for collection of recycled materials, waste bags, magnetic separators, shredders, etc.)]

d. Sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry [such as production of agricultural products by using practices conserving land, water, and other resources, environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable]

e. Reduction and removal of pollution and air emissions [such as collection, treatment and disposal of waste materials and wastewater, including monitoring and regulation; manufacturing and installation of equipment and technologies for waste collection, waste treatment, air pollution]

f. Protection and natural resource conservation [such as protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water, biodiversity, wildlife and landscapes, aquatic resources, timber resources, etc. It includes identification and analysis of sources of pollution, mechanisms of dispersion of pollutant and research for prevention and removal of pollution…]

g. Environmental compliance, education and training, and public awareness [such as general environmental administration and management and enforcement of environmental regulations and standard, education and training related to green technologies and practices, increasing public awareness of environmental issues…]

h. Other environmental goods and services (that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources) not mentioned previously

i. Please describe___

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

11. During the last month what percentage of your working time did you spend on the production of the environmental goods and services?

Response Options:
Less than 20%- 1
Between 20% and 50%- 2
More than 50%- 3

12. During the past month, did you use one or more of the following environmental technologies and practices at your worksite in order to reduce the environmental impact of your establishment’s operations or to make more efficient use of natural resources in the production process?

a. Energy from renewable sources [such as electricity, heat or fuel from renewable sources, includes installation and maintenance of equipment (photovoltaic panels, solar panels, etc.)

b. Energy and water efficiency [such as water leakage reduction, water recycling, rainwater catchments, low-energy andor low-water using appliances, efficient energy transmissions, etc.]

c. Recovery, reuse and recycling of resources andor substitution of natural resources [Use technologies or practices to reduce the withdrawals of natural resources, or eliminate the creation of waste material as a result of establishment’s operations (e.g. collect, recycle and remanufacture glass, metals, paper, rubber, textiles and other waste material and waste water; composting solid waste, etc.]

d. Sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry [such as practices conserving land, water, and other resources, environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable]

e. Prevention, reduction and removal of pollution and air emissions [Such as waste materials, waste water, fumes]

f. Environmental protection and natural resource conservation [such as protecting biodiversity, water, landscapes, forests, etc.]

g. Research, planning, maintenance and control of technologies [refers specifically to environment-related research, planning maintenance and control technologies]

h. Other environmentally friendly technologies and practices not mentioned previously

i. Please describe___

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

13. During the last month what percentage of your time did you spend researching, developing, maintaining, using or installing technologies and practices?

Response Options:
Less than 20%- 1
Between 20% and 50%- 2
More than 50%- 3

Scoring Procedures

Not Available

Original Citation

UN Women (2020). Model questionnaire: Measuring the nexus between gender and environment.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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