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Environment-Related Livelihoods- Fishing

Environment-Related Livelihoods- Fishing includes 21 items related to the respondents' engagement in fisheries, both for pay or profit, and for household consumption.
Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire which can be found here.


Geographies Tested:

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range:


1. In the past 12 months, did YOU go fishing or harvesting shellfish, seaweed or other aquatic animalsplants?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

2. Was fishing and harvesting MAINLY performed…?

Response Options:
For own useconsumption of the household- 1
For sale profit- 2
Wage work- 3

3. In the past 12 months, did you individually make any incomemonetary gains from activities related to fishing harvesting of aquatic animalsplants?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

4. What is the approximate share of your individual income that came from …? (include income from selling, trading and handling these materials)

Insert percentage [ ]

5. To identify your fishingharvesting sites, size and type of catch, do you look at officialformal information regarding fish stock status?

Response Options:
No, I don't know where to find that information- 1
No, I don't believe the information is accurate- 2
Yes, I often look at the information to inform my fishing activity- 3
I do not know- 98

6. Has the size of your catch decreased, increased or remained unchanged since you started fishing there?

Response Options:
The total amount of catch has increased- 1
The total amount of catch has decreased- 2
The total amount of catch has remained unchanged- 3
I do not know- 98

7. Has the total amount resources (e.g. time, equipment, effort) you allocate to fishingharvesting, increased or remained unchanged since you started fishing there?

Response Options:
It has increased- 1
It has decreased- 2
It has remained unchanged- 3
I do not know- 98

8. Do you fishharvest in the same sites you fished 10 years ago? If several responses apply, select the most relevant only

Response Options:
No, previous fisheries are now depleted or have low productivity- 1
No, previous fisheries are now polluted- 2
No, I found a more productive location- 3
No, I found a more convenient location- 4
No, rules and regulations prevent me from fishing there- 5
No, I didn't use to fish then- 6
Yes, I fish in the same sites- 7

9. Of you average daily catch, what would you say is the proportion of by-catch unwanted catch?

Insert percentage [ ]

10. Has the proportion of by-catch increased in the past 10 years?

Response Options:
Yes, it has increased- 1
No, it has not increased- 0

11. Do you generate and submit reports of your total catch, by species?

Response Options:
Yes, I submit reports on the total catch for the main species and secondary species- 1
Yes, I submit reports of the total catch only for the main species- 2
I submit reports of the total catch but not by species- 3
I submit reports but not after every fishing trip- 4
I don't usually submit reports- 5
I don't know- 98

12. What fishing methods do you typically employ (Select all that apply)
a. Purse Seine
b. Other Seine
c. Trawling
d. Gillnets
e. Line fishing
f. Pole fishing
g. Fishing traps
h. Diving harpoon fishing
i. Dynamite fishing
j Gleaning (hand collection)
k Dredging
l. Cast nets
m. Line traps
n. Other

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

13. Do you have (or are you currently in the process of obtaining) certification for sustainable or eco-friendly fishing harvesting practices being implemented during the last 12 months?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2
I don't know- 3

14. What is the certification number and certification body?

Insert number [ ] and name of body [ ]

15. What do you do with damaged or spent fishing gear after use?

Response Options:
Discarddump on land- 1
Discarddump in ocean or other body of water- 2
Bring to recycling or reusing facility- 3

16. In the past 12 months, did YOU do any sorting, cleaning or processing of fish, shellfish, seaweed or other freshly harvested aquatic animalplant or engage in related activities?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

17. Please indicate the exact activities in which you engaged

Response Options:
Pre-harvest activities (e.g. net mending; preparing bait; setting hooks; preparing aquaculture ponds; preparing aquaculture structures before deployment or any other similar activities)- 1
Post-harvest activities (e.g. offloading boats; sorting catch; cleaningpicking nets; sorting aquaculture harvest; processingsmoking or otherwise transforming products)- 2
Marketing activities (e.g. selling to buyers, in markets, to restaurants; buyingselling products as an intermediary; fishmonger; fishseafood seaweed wholesaler)- 3
Other- 4

18. Were these activities MAINLY performed…?

Response Options:
For own useconsumption of the household- 1
For ownfamily use and for sale in equal parts- 2
For sale profit (excluding wage work)- 3
Wage work- 4

19. In the past 12 months, did you individually make any incomemonetary gains from activities related to fishing or harvesting of sea animalsplants (including processing)?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 2

20. What is the approximate share of your individual income that came from …? (include income from selling, trading and handling these materials)

Insert percentage [ ]

21. Do you participate in any fishery management group or any other body where you can contribute to fish stock management or sustainable resource management in the area where you fish andor to promoting sustainable fishingharvesting methods?

Response Options:
Yes- 1
No- 0

Scoring Procedures

Not Available

Original Citation

UN Women (2020). Model questionnaire: Measuring the nexus between gender and environment.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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