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Gender Values & Roles

Gender Values & Roles is a 21-item measure on the beliefs regarding gender equity at home, with respect to relationship with husband and with childcare chosen from the Slow Fertility Transition Project in Egypt. Items cover aspects of shared household responsibilities, marital relationship, gender equitable attitudes and discrimination.


Geographies Tested: Egypt

Populations Included: Female

Age Range: Adults


Sometimes a wife can do things which annoy or anger her husband. In your opinion, is a husband justified in beating is wife in each of the following situations?
1. When she burns the food?
2. When she neglects the children?
3. When she argues with him?
4. When she talks to other men?
5. When she wastes his money?
6. When she refuses him sex?

Response Options
Yes - 1
No - 2

Now I would like to get your opinion on some aspects of family life. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with each statement.
7. If the wife has a job outside the house then the husband should help her with the children.
8. If the wife has a job outside the house then the husband should her in household chores.
9. A women who has a full-time job cannot be a good mother.
10. Having a full-time job always interferes with a woman's ability to keep a good life with her husband.

Response Options:
Agree - 1
Disagree - 2

Now I want to ask you some questions about changes that could be occurring in the Egyptian family. Please tell me whether you think the following changes are good or bad.
11. Husband's doing more domestic chores.
12. Boys and girls getting the same amount of schooling.
13. Boys and girls getting the same treatment.

Response Options:
Good - 1
Bad - 2

I am going to read you some statements about what parents can value in their children. For each one, please tell me how you feel about its importance: very important, somewhat important, not important, not important at all.
14. To be an obedient wife and never discuss her husband's opinion.
15. [Daughters] To be an obedient wife and never question her husband's opinion.
16. [Sons] To be a forceful husband and not taking account his wife's opinion.

Response Options:
Very important - 1
Somewhat important - 2
Not important - 3
Not at all important - 4

I am going to read you some statements about what parents can value in their children. For each one, please tell me how you feel about its importance: very important, somewhat important, not important, not important at all.
17. To aim for university degree
18. To take care of their parents when they get old
19. To be financially independent at a young age
20. To contribute to household expenses as early as possible
21. To help in the household work

Response Options:
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Not at all important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Not at all important

Scoring Procedures

Not Available

Original Citation

El-Zeini, L. O. (2008). The path to replacement fertility in Egypt: Acceptance, preference, and achievement. Studies in Family Planning, 39(3), 161-176.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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