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Bosch Support Measure

Bosch Support Measure is a 37-item tool designed to assess the level of social support that women in abusive relationships have from someone in their community. Four difference forms of support are measured: General support, informational support, emotional support and physical support.


Geographies Tested: United States of America

Populations Included: Female

Age Range: Adults


During your abusive partner relationship this person...

General support (All types of support)
1. Gave you encouragement and would help you no matter what you decided to do.
2. Volunteered to help you with or without your request.
Informational support
3. Helped you know that there were safe places to go.
4. Shared information with you about partner abuse.
5. Referred you to someone who could help you (with partner abuse).
6. Gave you advice when you needed it or asked for it.
Emotional support
7. Met with you more often when they found out about the abuse.
8. Encouraged you to make decisions best for you (and your children).
9. Supported you in your choice where to live (stay at home, leave home).
10. Supported you in your choice of whom to live with.
11. Supported you if you chose to continue your partner relationship with expectations partner would stop abusive behavior (returned to partner or if partner came back home).
12. Encouraged you to share your story and feelings with others.
13. Listened to and responded to your comments, questions and stories about the abuse.
14. Let you know that the abuse was not acceptable to them.
15. Told your partner to stop treating you like that.
16. Recognized the abuse as abuse, including verbal and emotional abuse.
17. Told you that you needed to be safe (and the children).
18. Encouraged you to be self-sufficient, to keep your job, to get an education or continue school.
19. Encouraged you to access resources.
20. Showed you they had time, were available or would help you if you needed help.
21. Loved you and accepted you no matter what you did.
22. Encouraged you to get professional help or counseling.
23. Encouraged your partner to get professional help or counseling.
24. Encouraged you to call the police and/or a lawyer.
25. Encouraged you to get medical assistance (doctor/clinic).
26. Encouraged a change in the relationship to end the abuse (leave him, make him leave, get separated/divorced, go to shelter, etc.).
27. Recognized that you felt burdened, frightened, embarrassed, and/or were grieving over a "lost love relationship." They knew you didn't want to be abused.
Physical support
28. Asked you if you were safe, helped you feel safe at home, and would take you to a safe palce if you needed to go.
29. Helped you be self-sufficient (get a care, get a job, keep a job, get your education, etc.).
30. Helped with things like buying groceries, preparing meals, child care, home repairs.
31. Helped you get resources available in community.
32. Would loan you money if you needed some.
33. Helped you get professional help or counseling.
34. Helped your partner get professional help or counseling.
35. Helped you call police and/or a lawyer.
36. Helped you get medical assistance (doctor/clinic).
37. Visited with you without your husband/partner present.

Response Options:
Never - 1
Sometimes - 2
About 1/2 of the time - 3
Often - 4
Always - 5

Scoring Procedures

The mean of each type of support is calculated.

Original Citation

Bosch, K., & Bergen, M. B. (2006). The influence of supportive and nonsupportive persons in helping rural women in abusive partner relationships become free from abuse. Journal of Family Violence, 21(5), 311-320.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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