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Gender Competency for Family Planning Providers: Addressing Gender-Based Violence

Gender Competency for Family Planning Providers: Addressing Gender-Based Violence is a 13-item module of a larger framework. This module assesses a provider's ability to recognize and appropriately address a client's experience with gender-based violence.


Geographies Tested: Ghana,Uganda

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


1. Family planning providers should know the signs and symptoms of gender-based violence.
2. I can tell when a client is experiencing physical or emotional abuse and needs support for gender-based violence.
3. To protect a client, I am able to describe contraceptive methods a client can use without her partner or other people knowing about it.
4. Some family planning choices can expose people to gender-based violence.
5. Through my counseling I can help clients make family planning choices that keep them safe from gender-based violence.
6. Providers not formally trained in gender-based violence counseling should refer clients experiencing violence to other trained counselors.
7. Providers who are not trained in gender-based violence counseling might accidentally create additional harm by counseling clients experiencing violence.
8. I know where to refer a client for services if they show signs of experiencing gender-based violence.
9. When I suspect a client is experiencing gender-based violence, I am comfortable starting a conversation with them about it.
10. I am confused by laws related to gender-based violence and how they apply to my clients.*
11. Family planning counseling should explain a client's right to be treated with respect and be free from threats, violence, or coercion.
12. Talking to clients about gender-based violence should not be a responsibility of family planning providers.*
13. A male provider making a woman use a contraceptive method when she not not want is a form of violence.

Response Options:
Strongly agree - 4
Agree - 3
Disagree - 2
Strongly disagree - 1

*Items are reverse scored.

Scoring Procedures

The score of each individual item is added to create the total scale score, between 0-52. Score less than 42 are considered low gender competency. Scores 42-46 are medium competency and above 46 is high gender competency.

Original Citation

Andrinopoulos, K., McGuire, C., Namisango, E., Dako-Gyeke, P., Reisz, T., & Wisniewski, J. (2023). A provider self-assessment tool to measure gender competency for family planning services.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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