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Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ)

The Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ) is a 20-item measure that assesses both victimization and perpetration in a dating relationship of various forms of completed and threatened cyber abuse, such as identity theft and humiliation. Additional aspects including control, invasion of privacy, and information dissemination were also measured as part of the CDAQ.


Geographies Tested: Spain

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adolescents, Adults


Each item can be framed to assess perpetration or victimization of each of the behaviors. For example: "My partner or former partner made a comment on a wall of a social network to insult or humiliate me" and "I wrote a comment on a wall of a social network to insult or humiliate my partner or former partner."

1. Spreading rumors, gossip and orjokes through new technologies with the intention of ridiculing
2. Threats through new technologies to physically harm
3. Creating a fake profile on a social network to cause problems
4. Spreading secrets andor compromised information using new technologies
5. Threatening to spread secrets or embarrassing information using new technologies
6. Writing a comment on the wall of a social network to insult or humiliate
7. Using new technologies to pretend to be memy (ex) partner and create problems
8. Sending andor uploading photos, images andor videos with intimate or sexual content without permission
9. Pretending to be another person using new technologies to test a partner
10. Posting music, poems, phrases...on a social networking site with the intent to insult or humiliate
11. Sending insulting andor demeaning messages using new technologies
12. Controlling friends on social networks
13. Using new technologies to control where you areI am and with whom
14. Checking a partner's mobile phone without permission
15. Checking social networks, Whatsapp or email without permission
16. Excessive calls to control where you areI am and with whom
17. Controlling status updates on social networks
18. Checking the last connection in mobile applications
19. Using passwords (phone, social networking, email) to browse messages andor contacts without permission
20. Threatening to answer calls or messages immediately using new technologies

Response Options:
Response options are given in a 6-point Likert scale that asked for the number of occurrences of the behavior over the last year of the relationship:

Never. This has never happened in our relationship - 1
Not in the last year, but it used to happen - 2
Rarely. It has happened 1 or 2 times - 3
Sometimes. It has happened between 3 and 10 times - 4
Frequently. It has happened between 11 and 20 times - 5
Usually. It has happened more than 20 times. - 6

Scoring Procedures

Not Available

Original Citation

Borrajo, E., Gámez-Guadix, M., Pereda, N., & Calvete, E. (2015). The development and validation of the cyber dating abuse questionnaire among young couples. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 358-365.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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