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Cyber Intimate Partner Aggression

The Cyber Intimate Partner Aggression Measure is a 39-item measure about individual experiences of intimate partner violence and cyber aggression victimization. Asked only of those in a relationship, items are grouped into cyber behaviors (e.g., partner looked through your phone without your permission) and in-person behaviors (e.g., being slapped by your partner).


Geographies Tested: United States of America

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


Cyber Behaviors
1. Looked through your phone without your permission?
2. Looked through your computer, iPad, or tablet (e.g. social networking accounts, photos, etc.) without your permission?
3. Forced you to reveal your password to social networking websites, cell phone, and so on, so they could access your private accounts?
4. Repeatedly asked you where you are or what you are doing through texts, posts, and so on?
5. Told you who you can and cannot communicate with via the phone, Internet, and so on?
6. Intentionally made you feel guilty or bad about something through statements made via technological devices?
7. Purposefully ignored your communication through technological devices?
8. Updated social network relationship status to taunt you?
9. Posted poetry or music lyrics online in reference to you to taunt or hurt you?
10. Wrote a post on his or her social networking wall to taunt you?
11. Called you derogatory names or insulted you through technological devices (e.g., text messaging, social networking posts, etc.)?
12. Spread rumors or told lies about you through technological devices (e.g., text messaging, social networking posts, etc.)?
13. Sent harassing images through technology that made you uncomfortable (e.g., pictures or videos of violence, nudity, etc.)?
14. Posted or sent your contact or personal information without permission somewhere on the Internet where others can see?
15. Sent others a private, intimate picture, or video that you shared with him or her without your permission?
16. Threatened to harm you by making a threatening statement through technological devices?
17. Threatened to harm your family, friends, or pets by making a threatening statement through technological devices?
18. Threatened to harm himself or herself if you broke up by making a threatening statement through technological devices?

In-Person Behaviors
19. Told you who you can and cannot communicate with?
20. Called you derogatory names or insulted you in person?
21. Said something to you in person to intentionally anger you?
22. Physically destroyed something belonging to you?
23. Threatened to harm you in person?
24. Threw something at you that could hurt?
25. Grabbed you?
26. Pushed or shoved you?
27. Slapped you?
28. Twisted your arm or pulled your hair?
29. Hit or punched you?
30. Kicked you?
31. Choked you?
32. Slammed you against a wall?
33. Threatened to harm you by making a threatening statement?
34. Threatened to harm your family, friends, or pets by making a threatening statement?
35. Threatened to harm himself or herself if you broke up by making a threatening statement?
36. Used a knife, gun, or other weapon to threaten you?
37. Insisted on sex (intercourse, anal or oral) or used words to guilt you into having sex when you did not want to?
38. Used force (like hitting, holding you down, etc.) or threats to make you have sex?
39. Had a sprain, bruise, cut, or injury because of a fight with your partner?

Response options:
Nevernot in the past year - 0
Once - 1
Twice - 2
3-5 times - 3
6-10 times - 4
11-20 times - 5
20 times or more - 6

Scoring Procedures

Cyber Behaviors: Items are recoded such that 0 = no experiences in the past year and 1 = at least one or more experiences in the past year. Responses were also dichotomized to create an overall measure of any cyber victimization (0 = no experiences and 1 = one or more experiences).

In-Person Behaviors: All Items are recoded such that 0 = no experiences in the past year and 1 = at least one or more experiences in the past year. Three binary composite measures (0 = no, 1 = yes) based on aggression type were created to assess any psychological aggression (items 1-5 and 15-17), physical aggression (items 6-14 and 18), and sexual aggression (items 19 and 20) in the last year. Item 21 is included as a measure on injury.

Original Citation

Marganski, A., & Melander, L. (2018). Intimate Partner Violence Victimization in the Cyber and Real World: Examining the Extent of Cyber Aggression Experiences and Its Association With In-Person Dating Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(7), 1071-1095. doi: 10.1177/0886260515614283

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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