Jordan Labor Market Panel Survey: Marriage, Fertility and Women’s Status uses multiple self-reported items from the 2016 Jordan Labor Market Survey, which is a nationally representative, multi-dimensional survey conducted across Jordan. This measure captures marriage practices and expectations, as well as women’s mobility and economic inclusion. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire located here.
Geographies Tested: Jordan
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adolescents, Adults, Children
1. At the start of your first marriage, what was the ownership status of your dwelling?
Response Options:
Free residence in government owned dwelling
Free residence in employer ownedrented dwelling
In kindgift
Other (specify)
Don't know
2. When you and your husbandwife started living together, did you live with your family, your spouse's family, with someone else?
Response Options:
Respondent's family
Spouse's family
Someone else
Ourselves only
3. Were your cooking facilities and food shared with family or owned?
Response Options:
Don't know
4. What is the value of dowry or bride price (mahr) given?
5. What is the value of jewelry purchased, in dinar?
Response Options:
Value (in dinar): |___|___|___|___|
6. How many rooms of furniture for the newly wed's home were purchased?
Response Options:
Number of rooms: __
7. What is the total value of contents of the home: appliances, furniture, bedroom, clothes, kitchenware, china, cutlery,; pillows, mattresses, blankets, linens, and other covers; carpets, rugs, mats, other floor cover; food supplies etc.?
Response Options:
Value (in dinar): |___|___|___|___|
8. What is the percentage of bridegroombride's familygroom's family contribution to the total value of housing and contents of the house for marriage?
Response Options:
9. What is the total cost paid for marriage celebrations including the engagement stage; signing of the marriage contract and the consummation of marriage?
Response Options:
Value (in dinar): |___|___|___|___|
10. Who in your family usually has the final say on the following decisions?
Response Options:
You alone
You and your husband jointly
You, your husband and in-laws jointly
Don't know
Not applicable
11. Do you have direct access to household money in your hand to use?
12. Do you have savings or personal property (land house, apartment, gold, jewelry, or car)?
Response Options:
13. If you need to go to any of the following places, can you go on your own without permission or you need to inform someone or get permission or you just can't go?
Response Options:
Go alone without permission
Go alone, but must be granted permission first
Go alone after informing them
Cannot go alone
Don't know
Not applicable
14. Is there anyone from your family living close enough so that you can go visit and come back home on the same day?
Response Options:
15. If you had any problem and needed help, is there anyone in your family you can depend on to:
16. Sometimes, disagreements arise between a husband and his wife pertaining to things the wife does. In your opinion, does the husband have the right to hit his wife, or punish her, in any of the following situations?
17. Are you afraid of disagreeing with your husbandfatherbrother or any other man in your family?
Response Options:
Don't know
18. What iswas the primary use of your labor income?
Response Options:
To help my family financially
To meet my personal needs
To save for marriage
Other (Specify)
Don't know
19. What proportion of your income dodid you keep for yourself?
20. What proportion of your income dodid you save?
Response Options:
Less than a 14
14 to less than 12
12 to less than 34
34 to less than all
Don't know
21. What is the primary way in which you save?
Response Options:
Bankfinancial institution
Participation in individual association
Bought gold jewelry
Saving money at home
Other (Specify)
Don't know
22. Dodid you receive your wages from work directly yourself?
23. Were you working for wages at the time you got married?
Response Options:
Don't know
24. What is your husband's opinion of your work?
Response Options:
Strongly supportive
No opinion
Not supportive
Don't know
Not applicable (no husband)
25. Were you working for wage during your first pregnancy?
Response Options:
Don't know
26. How many weeks of paid maternity leave did you get (in your first pregnancy)?
Response Options:
Did not get maternity leave
From 2 – 6 weeks
From 7 – 13 weeks
From 14-17 weeks
More than 18 weeks
Don't know
27. How many months of unpaid nursing leave did you get (in your first pregnancy)?
Response Options:
Did not get nursing leave
Less than 3 months
3 months
From 4 -6 months
From 7 months to one year
From 1 – 2 years
More than 2 years
Don't know
28. Do you have children who are less than 12 years old?
Response Options:
29. Who looks after your young children while you are at work? List both primary caregiver and secondary caregiver:
Response Options:
Mother in law
Other relatives
Nursery school
In school
Other (Specify)
Don't know
NA (secondary caregiver only)
30. Do you pay those who look after your children while you are at work?
Response Options:
Don't know
31. How much did you pay for child care last month?
Response Options:
Value (in dinar): |___|___|___|___|
32. Will you continue to work after getting married?
Response Options:
It depends on husband's approval
It depends on circumstances
Don't want to get married
Don't know
33. Do you think you will be able to work after you get married?
Response Options:
It depends on circumstances
Don't know
34. In your opinion, how does your work influence your marriageability?
Response Options:
Strengthens marriageability
Prevents marriage
Has no influence
Do not know
35. What were the reasons for deciding to stop working for wage? List both primary and secondary reason.
Response Options:
Husbandfiance refused
Father refused
Another family member refused
No suitable jobs
No suitable wage
No jobs available at all
To take care of children
To take care of the children of other family members
Don't want to work
Other (Specify)
NA (secondary reason only)
36. Do you want to go back to work one day?
Response Options:
If there is a financial need
It depends on circumstances
It depends on available jobs
Other (Specify)
Don't know
Not Applicable
Jordan Labor Market Survey. (2016). Individual Questionnaire.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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