The State Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form (SSCS-S) is a 6 item scale that can be used as a measure of global state self-compassion when individuals are faced with painful or difficult situations. The SSCS-S is the shortened version of the State Self-Compassion Scale-Long Form.
Geographies Tested: United States of America
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adults
1. I’m giving myself the caring and tenderness I need.
2. I’m obsessing and fixating on everything that’s wrong.*
3. I’m remembering that there are lots of others in the world feeling like I am.
4. I feel like I’m struggling more than others right now.*
5. I feel intolerant and impatient toward myself.*
6. I’m keeping things in perspective.
Response options:
5-point scale
Not at all true for me - 1
Very true for me - 5
*Items are reverse scored
A mean score is computed after the reverse scoring.
Neff, K. D., Tóth-Király, I., Knox, M. C., Kuchar, A., & Davidson, O. (2020). The development and validation of the State Self-Compassion Scale (Long- and Short Form). Mindfulness, 12(1), 121-140.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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