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Continuation of Schooling Measure

The Continuation of Schooling Measure is a 15-item survey that measures women and girls' attitudes toward the importance of education completion. Items assess general value towards education, personal reasons for attending/not attending school, and future plans for the continuation of schooling.


Geographies Tested: Tanzania,Uganda

Populations Included: Female

Age Range: Adolescents


1. How difficult is it for a married woman to continue her schooling?

Response Options:
Not at all - 1
Somewhat difficult - 2
Very difficult - 3
Impossible - 4

2. Now I would like you to tell me how many hours you spend on a typical week doing these activities: Going to and attending school.
3. Now I would like you to tell me how many hours you spend on a typical week doing these activities: Doing homeworkstudy.

Response Options:
[Enter number]

4. What is your current educational status?

Response Options:
Currently enrolled - 1
Dropped out - 2
Never enrolled - 3

5. [If dropped out] What were the main three reasons for not continuing your education?; or
[If never enrolled] What were the main three reasons for not going to school?

Response Options:
Distance, school too far - 1
Household couldn't afford - 2
Institutional did not admit- 3
Have to work at home - 4
Have to work outside the house - 5
Did not want to study - 6
Health condition (disabilityillness) - 7
Orphaned - 8
Sickness or calamity in the family - 9
Marriage - 10
Pregnancy - 11
Going to school not safe - 12
Schoolreligious pressure - 13
Other (specify) - 14

6. What was the highest level completed?

Response Options:
[Enter class level]

7. Do you plan to startgo back to school?

Response Options:
Yes, definitely - 1
Maybe - 2
Definitely no - 3

8. [If maybe] What does it depend on?

Response Options:
Self-motivation - 1
Financial conditions - 2
Permission from family members - 3
Health condition of self - 4
Health condition of family member - 5
Whether the institution admits me - 6
Other (specify) - 7

9. At what age did you start schooling?

Response Options:
[Enter age]

10. What class are you currently enrolled in?
11. Up to what level are you planning to continue studying until?
12. What level are you planning to continue studying until?
13. If you have the opportunity to study as far as you want, until what level would you like to study?
14. What level of schooling do you think you will have in two years' time?

Response Options:
[Enter class level]

15. In your opinion, what is the main reason that one should have education?

Response Options:
Increase one's earnings - 1
Enables one to find a job with better working conditions - 2
Improves marriages prospects - 3
Enables one to move to better places - 4
Increases one's social networknumber of friends - 5
Increases quality of one's friends - 6
It is not necessary - 7
Other (specify) - 8

Scoring Procedures

Not Applicable

Original Citation

Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab. (2018). A practical guide to measuring women’s and girls’ empowerment in impact evaluations: Appendix 1: Examples of survey questions related to women’s empowerment. Retrieved from

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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