The Reproductive Decision-Making Agency is a 12-item measure of three domains of reproductive behavior: when to have children, whether to use family planning, and which family planning method to use.
Geographies Tested: Nepal
Populations Included: Female
Age Range: Adults
The following questions are applied to three domains: When to Have children, Whether to Use Contraception, and Which Method of Contraception to Use
1.When discussing [insert topic from base question], I want to know if you shared your opinion about what you wanted with your husband. Would you say that you (read aloud options to participant):
Response Options:
Shared your opinion
Wanted to share your opinion but did not feel comfortable so did not share
Wanted to share your opinion but did not think opinion would be valued so did not share
2.Do you think your opinion was valued?
Response Options:
Had the same opinion as husband
Did not share your opinion because the issue did not matter to you
Don’t recalldon’t know
Participant refused to answer
Was valued
Was not valued
Don’t recalldon’t know
Participant refused to answer
3.Who had the final say on [insert topic from base question]?
Response Options:
Myself and husband
Other (specify__)
No decision made
Participant refused to answer
4.Would you prefer to have had more influence in the decision about [insert topic from base question] less influence, or were you happy with your level of influence?
Response Options:
More influence
Less influence
Participant refused to answer
For each domain, a three-category variable is constructed, indicating low, medium, or high agency based on the four core questions. Next, the three domain-specific decision-making agency measures are combined into a single measure by constructing an additive scale from the categorical variables.
Hinson, L., Edmeades, J., Murithi, L., & Puri, M. (2019). Developing and testing measures of reproductive decision-making agency in Nepal. SSM-population health, 9, 100473.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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