The Demographic and Health Survey Phase 8 (DHS-8): Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditures includes includes 11 items from the Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures Module assessing household members’ access to health care settings, reason to seek care, expense of care, reason for treatment, and health insurance coverage. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on both the original questionnaire located here.
Geographies Tested: Afghanistan,Angola,Burkina Faso,Cambodia,Cameroon,Cote d'Ivoire,Ethiopia,Ghana,Guatemala,Guinea,Kenya,Madagascar,Mozambique,Myanmar (Burma),Nepal,Rwanda,Senegal,The Gambia,Zimbabwe
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adolescents, Adults
1. Where did (NAME) most recently stay overnight for health care?
Response Options:
Public Sector
Government hospital
Government health center
Government health post
Other public sector (specify)
Private Medical Sector
Private Hospital
Private Clinic
Other private medical sector (specify)
NGO Medical Sector
NGO Hospital
NGO Clinic
Other NGO medical sector (specify)
Other (specify)
2. What was the main reason for (NAME) to seek care this most recent time?
Response Options:
Don’t know
3. How much money was spent on treatment and services (NAME) received during the most recent overnight stay? We want to know about all the costs for the stay, including any charges for laboratory tests, drugs, or other items.
Response Options:
Cost (5-digit numeric)
No costfree
In kind only
Don’t know
4. Is (NAME) covered by any health insurance?
Response Options:
Don’t know
5. What is (NAME)’s main type of health insurance?
Response Options:
Mutual health organizationcommunity-based health insurance
Health insurance through employer
Social security
Other privately purchased commercial health insurance
Other (specify)
Don’t know
6. Now I would like to ask some questions about health care that (NAME) received in the last four weeks, without having to stay overnight. Where did (NAME) get care most recently without staying overnight?
Response Options:
Public Sector
Government hospital
Government health center
Government health post
Other public sector (specify)
Private Medical Sector
Private hospital
Private clinic
Private doctor
Mobile clinic
FieldworkerCommunity health worker
Other private medical sector (specify)
NGO Medical Sector
NGO Hospital
NGO Clinic
Other NGO medical sector(specify)
Other Source
Traditional practitioner
Other (specify)
7. How much money was spent on treatment and services (NAME) received from (NAME OF PROVIDER)? Please include the consulting fee and any expenses for other items including drugs and tests.
Response Options:
Cost (5-digit numeric)
No cost free
In kind only
Don’t know
8. What was the main reason for (NAME) to seek care this most recent time?
Response Options:
Family planning
Antenatal caredelivery
Other Illness
Check-upPreventive Care
9. Did (NAME) get care another time in the last four weeks from a health provider, a pharmacy, or a traditional healer, without staying overnight?
Response Options:
10. How many other times did (NAME) get care in the last four weeks?
Response Options:
Number of outpatient visits (2-digit numeric)
Don’t know
11. How many times was money spent?
Response Options:
Number of outpatient visits paid money (2-digit numeric)
Don’t know
Not Applicable
Demographic and Health Surveys (2019). Demographic and Health Surveys: Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditures Module.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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