Children's Sexual Knowledge Questionnaire (CSKQ) consists of six true or false statements to assess children's sexual knowledge. The first version of each item (A) is designed for early elementary school children (grades 1 to 3) and the second of each item (B) is designed for late elementary school children (grades 4 to 6).
Geographies Tested: Taiwan
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adolescents, Children
1a. A boy’s private part is called a vagina and is located between his legs. A girl does not have a vagina.
1b. A boy’s private part is called a vagina and is located between his legs. A girl does not have a vagina. Below the vagina are the testicles, which are oval in shape and contained within a pouch called the scrotum.
2a. When they have on no clothes, men have flat chests and women have two round bumps called breasts.
2b. When they have on no clothes, men have flat chests and women have two round bumps called breasts. A nipple, which is dark in color, is located in the center of the breast.
3a. If a sperm from the dad and an egg from the mom meet inside the mom’s body, it is the beginning of a baby.
3b. As puberty progresses, the lining of a girl’s womb thickens and her ovaries release an egg monthly. If the egg is fertilized with a sperm in the womb, it is the beginning of a baby. If not fertilized, the egg is released from the body along with the lining of the womb through a process known as menstruation.
4a. A girl has an opening called a penis between her legs that a boy does not have.
4b. If a boy ejaculates in a swimming pool and a girl is near him, his sperm will be like tiny tadpoles and swim into the girl’s womb from the vagina. Once the boy’s sperm meets the girl’s egg in the womb, they become a fertilized egg, and it is the beginning of a baby.
5a. If a boy holds a girl’s hand, the girl will have a baby later.
5b. Masturbation is dirty and is something to be prohibited and ashamed about. It also is shameful for a boy to have involuntarily ejaculation of semen during sleep.
6a. A fertilized egg will stay safe and warm in a place inside the mother called the womb and will grow slowly from a speck to a baby in nine months.
6b. As puberty progresses, levels of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen rise and cause changes in the bodies of males and females. Both testosterone and estrogen play an important role in the growth of individuals of both sexes.
Response Options:
I don't know
Statements are either true or false. If the respondent chooses the correct option, they receive 1 point. Scores of the 6 statements are summed and range from 0 to 6.
Chen, Y. C., Fortson, B. L., & Tseng, K. W. (2012). Pilot evaluation of a sexual abuse prevention program for Taiwanese children. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21(6), 621-645.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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