Decisional Conflict Scale

The Decisional Conflict Scale is a 16-item measure that captures uncertainty in making choices related to health, the factors contributing to this uncertainty, and an individual's self-perceived satisfaction in the decision. The measure includes items related to how decisions are informed by risks and benefits and how decisions align with personal values.


Geographies Tested: Canada

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


Now, thinking about the choice you (are about to makejust made), please look at the following comments some people make when deciding about (treatment, screening, etc.) Please, show how strongly you agree or disagree with these comments by CIRCLING THE NUMBER from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree) that best shows how you feel about the decision you (are about to makejust made).

Decision uncertainty
1. This decision is hard for me to make*
2. I'm unsure what to do in this decision*
3. It's clear what choice is best for me

Factors contributing to uncertainty
4. I'm aware of the choices I have to (specify purpose - to protect myself from flu)
5. I feel I know the benefits of (the flu shots)
6. I feel I know the risks and side effects of (the flu shot)
7. I need more advice and information about the choices
8. I know how important the benefits (of the flu shot) are to me in this decision
9. I know how important the risks and side effects (of the flu shot) are to me in this decision
10. It's hard to decide if the benefits are more important to me than the risks, or if the risks are more important than the benefits*
11. I feel pressure from others in making this decision*
12. I have the right amount of support from others in making this decision

Perceived effective decision making
13. I feel I have made an informed choice
14. My decision shows what is most important for me
15. I expect to stick with my decision
16. I am satisfied with my decision

*Items are reverse scored

Response Options:
Strongly agree - 1
Agree - 2
Neither agree or disagree - 3
Disagree - 4
Strongly disagree - 5

Scoring Procedures

Items are summed to create a scale. Higher scores indicate higher decisional conflict.

Original Citation

O'Connor, A. M. (1995). Validation of a Decisional Conflict Scale. Medical Decision Making, 15, 25-30.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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