Person-Centered Abortion Care

The Person-Centered Abortion Scale is a 24-item measure with two sub-scales that measures respectful and supportive care, and communication and autonomy. This scale was validated in Kenya with a sample of women who had sought medical or surgical abortion services from private health clinics.


Geographies Tested: Kenya

Populations Included: Female

Age Range: Adults


Respectful and Supportive Care
1. How did you feel about the amount of time you waited? Would you say it was very short, just a little long, somewhat long, or very long?

Response Options:
Yes - 0
Somewhat short - 1
Somewhat long - 2
Very long - 3

2. Did the doctors, nurses, or other staff at this clinic treat you with respect?
3. Did the doctors, nurses, and other staff at this MSK clinic treat you in a friendly manner?
4. During your time in this clinic, would you say you were treated differently because of any personal attribute like your age, marital status, number of children, your education, wealth, your connections with the facility, or something like that?
5. Did the doctors, nurses, and other staff at this clinic show that they cared about you?
6. When you were speaking to the doctors, nurses or other staff at this MSK clinic, did you feel other people not involved in your care could hear what you were discussing?
7. Do you feel like your health information was or will be kept confidential at this clinic?

Response Options:
No, never - 0
Yes, a few times - 1
Yes, most of the time - 2
Yes, all the time - 3

8. Do you feel the doctors or nurses did everything they could to help control your pain? Only asked for surgical abortion

Response Options:
No, never - 0
Yes, a few times - 1
Yes, most of the time - 2
Yes, all the time - 3
NA, I had no pain - 4

9. Did you feel the doctors and nurses paid attention to you during your stay in this clinic?
10. Did you feel the doctors, nurses, or other health providers shouted at you, scolded, insulted, threatened, or talked to you rudely?
11. Did you feel like you were treated roughly like pushed, beaten, slapped, pinched, physically restrained, or gagged?
12. Do you think there was enough health staff in this clinic to care for you?
13. Did you feel the doctors, nurses or other staff at this clinic took the best care of you?
14. Did you feel you could completely trust the doctors, nurses or other staff at this clinic with regards to your care?
15. In general, did you feel safe in this clinic?

Response Options:
No, never - 0
Yes, a few times - 1
Yes, most of the time - 2
Yes, all the time - 3

Communication and Autonomy
16. During your time in this clinic, did the doctors, nurses, or other health care providers introduce themselves to you when they first came to see you? If YES: Was it a few of them, most of them, or all of them?

Response Options:
No, none of them - 0
Yes, a few of them - 1
Yes, most of them - 2
Yes, all of them - 3

17. Did the doctors, nurses, or other health care providers call you by your name?
18. Did you feel like the doctors, nurses or other staff at this clinic involved you in decisions about your abortion choice?
19. Did the doctors, nurses or other staff at this clinic ask your permissionconsent before doing procedures on you?
20. Did the doctors and nurses explain to you why they were doing examinations or procedures on you?

Response Options:
No, never - 0
Yes, a few times - 1
Yes, most of the time - 2
Yes, all the time - 3

21. Did the doctors and nurses explain to you why they were giving you any medicine, including pain medicine or medicine to start an abortion?

Response Options:
No, never - 0
Yes, a few times - 1
Yes, most of the time - 2
Yes, all the time - 3
NA, I had no pills given - 4

22. At any point during your time at this clinic, did the doctors and nurses at this clinic talk to you about how you were feeling?
23. Did you feel you could ask the doctors, nurses or other staff at the clinic any questions you had?
24. Did the doctors and nurses ask how much pain you were in?

Response Options:
No, never - 0
Yes, a few times - 1
Yes, most of the time - 2
Yes, all the time - 3

Scoring Procedures

After reverse coding negative items, responses from all items were summed to create a composite score.

Original Citation

Sudhinaraset, M., Landrian, A., Afulani, P. A., Phillips, B., Diamond-Smith, N., & Cotter, S. (2020). Development and validation of a person-centered abortion scale: the experiences of care in private facilities in Kenya. BMC Womens Health, 20(1), 208.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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