The World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO WMH-CIDI): Marriage is a 28-item measure, derived from WHO WMH-CIDI, which is a comprehensive, fully-structured interview designed to be used for the assessment of mental disorders in epidemiological as well as clinical settings. The measure captures respondent’s dating history, experience of violence or abuse in dating, sexuality, and marital history. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire located here.
Geographies Tested:
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adults
1. The next few questions are about dating. By dating, I mean going out with or being romantically involved with another person. The relationship could be as brief as one date and does not need to include sexual activity. With that definition in mind, how old were you when you had your first date?
Response Options:
_____ [YEARS]
Before 21 - 21
Not Before 21 - 21
Never dated - 77
Don’t know - 98
Refused - 99
2. Was it before you were 21?
Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 5
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
3. How many different people did you date, even if only one time, before age 21?
Response Options:
_____ [NUMBER]
Don’t know - 98
Refused - 99
4. How many of these people were at least two years older than you?
Response Options:
_____ [NUMBER]
Don’t know - 98
Refused - 99
5. In how many of these (NUMBER FROM MR3) relationships did you ever do any of the things on list A to the people you dated?
6. In how many of these relationships did the people you dated ever do any of the things on list A to you?
List A:
Response Options:
_____ [NUMBER]
Don’t know - 98
Refused - 99
7. Now look at list B. In how many of these relationships did you ever do any of the things on list B to the people you dated?
List B:
Response Options:
_____ [NUMBER]
Don’t know - 98
Refused - 99
8. In how many of these relationships did the people you dated ever do any of the things on list B to you?
Response Options:
_____ [NUMBER]
Don’t know - 98
Refused - 99
9. Was this person older than you, younger than you, or about your same age?
Response Options:
Younger - 1
Older - 2
Same age - 3
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
10. How many years (youngerolder) than you?
Response Options:
____ [YEARS]
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
11. Did you ever do any of the things on list A to this person?
12. Did this person ever do any of the things on list A to you?
13. Did you ever do any of the things on list B to this person?
14. Did this person ever do any of the things on list B to you?
Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 5
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
15. When your arguments got physical, who usually started it – you, your partner, or did it vary?
Response Options:
Respondent - 1
Partner - 2
It varied - 5
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
16. How old were you the first time you had sexual intercourse?
Response Options:
_____ [YEARS]
Never - 997
Don’t know - 998
Refused - 999
17. Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation: heterosexual or straight – that is, primarily sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex; homosexual or gay – that is, primarily attracted to members of your own sex; bisexual – that is, attracted to both men and women; other – that is, an orientation I haven’t mentioned; or you’re not sure?
Response Options:
Heterosexual - 1
Homosexual - 2
Bisexual - 3
Other orientation - 4
Not suredon’t know - 8
Refused - 9
18. How many times have you been married?
19. How many of your marriages ended in divorce or annulment?
Response Options:
_____ [NUMBER]
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
20. How old were you when you got married (for the first time)?
Response Options:
_____ [YEARS]
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
21. How long did you date your (first) spouse before you got married?
Response Options:
____ [NUMBER]
Days - 1
Weeks - 2
Months - 3
Years - 4
Refused - 999
22. Your first spouse died. Is that correct?
Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 5
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
23. How did your (first) marriage end – were you divorced or widowed?
Response Options:
Divorced - 1
Widowed - 2
Don’t know - 8
Refused - 9
24. How old were you when you separated from your (first) spouse for the last time?
25. How old were you when your (first) spouse died?
Response Options:
_____ [YEARS]
Don’t know - 998
Refused - 999
26. How long have you been [separateddivorcedwidowed] from your most recent spouse?
27. You mentioned earlier in the interview that you are living with someone in a marriage - like relationship. How long have the two of you been living together?
28. How long have you been married to your current spouse?
Response Options:
____ [NUMBER]
Days - 1
Weeks - 2
Months - 3
Years - 4
Refused - 999
Not Applicable
The World Health Organization (WHO). (1990). The World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO WMH-CIDI).
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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