The Intersectional Discrimination Index -Day-to-Day (InDI-D) is a 9-item measure that captures a respondent's experience of everyday discrimination over an individual's lifetime and past year. Examples of day-to-day discrimination includes being treated as less smart, hearing that one doesn't belong, and being asked offensive or inappropriate questions.
Geographies Tested: Canada,United States of America
Populations Included: Female, Male, Transgender
Age Range: Adults
These questions are about experiences related to who you are. This includes both how you describe yourself and how others might describe you. For example, your skin color, ancestry, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, age, weight, disability or mental health issue, and income.
1. Heard, saw, or read others joking or laughing about you (or people like you).
2. Been treated as if you are unfriendly, unhelpful, or rude.
3. Been called names or heard/saw your identity used as an insult.
4. Been treated as if others are afraid of you.
5. Been stared or pointed at in public.
6. Been told that you should think, act, or look more like others.
7. Heard that you or people like you don’t belong.
8. Asked inappropriate, offensive, or overly personal questions.
9. Been treated as if you are less smart or capable than others.
Response Options:.
Never – 0
Yes, but not in the past year – 0
Yes, once or twice in the past year – 1
Yes, many times in the past year – 2
Items are summed to create a scale. Higher scores indicate higher day-to-day experiences of discrimination.
Scheim, A. I., & Bauer, G. R. (2019). The Intersectional Discrimination Index: Development and validation of measures of self-reported enacted and anticipated discrimination for intercategorical analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 226, 225-235.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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