Violence Against Children Survey 2011 - Zimbabwe: Physical Violence from Authority Figure

The Violence Against Children Survey Physical Violence from Authority Figure measure includes 9 items from the National Baseline Survey on Life Experiences of Adolescents (NBLSEA, 2011). This measure asks respondents if they have ever experienced physical violence or abuse (e.g., hitting, kicking, whipping) by authority figures such as teachers, police, military, and other leaders. The same items were also asked of respondents regarding physical violence by a partner, parents or relatives. Violence Against Children Surveys are nationally representative household surveys of children and young adults aged 13 to 24 years. They are designed to measure the prevalence and circumstances surrounding emotional, physical, and sexual violence against males and females in childhood (before age 18). Navigational aspects (i.e., skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included, but can be viewed in the original questionnaire available [here] (


Geographies Tested: Zimbabwe

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adolescents, Adults, Children


Interviewer: Now let us discuss professionals who you should be able to trust, such as teachers, police, and military.

1. Has an authority figure ever punched you, kicked you, whipped you, or beat you with an object?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

2. How many times has this happened: 1-4 times, 5-10 times, or more than 10 times?

Response Options:
1 to 4 times - 1
5 to 10 times - 2
More than 10 - 3
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

3. How old were you when this first happened: 0-5, 6-11, 12-17, 18 or older?

Response Options:
0 to 5 years - 1
6 to 11 years - 2
12 to 17 years - 3
18 or older - 4
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

4. Did this happen in the last 12 months?

Response Options: Yes - 1
No - 2
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

5. How old were you the last time this happened?

Response Options:
0 to 5 years - 1
6 to 11 years - 2
12 to 17 years - 3
18 or older - 4
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

6. Please think back to all incidents when an authority figure punched, hit, kicked, or whipped you. What type of authority figure were they? Anyone else? (circle all mentioned)

Response Options:
Teacher - A
Police - B
Military - C
Employer - D
Community leader - E
Religious leader - F
Other authority figure (specify) - V

Teacher - G
Police - H
Military - I
Employer - J
Community leader - K
Religious leader - L
Other authority figure (specify) - T
Don’t know - Z
Declined to answer - Y

7. Please think back to the most recent incident where an authority figure punched you, kicked you, whipped you, or beat you with an object. Why do you think they did this to you this most recent time? Anything else?

Response Options:
I was late for school - A
I disobeyed the rules - B
I disrupted the class - C
I spoke disrespectfully - D
I broke the law - E
Bad marks in class - F
Other (specify): - X
Don’t know - Z
Declined to answer - Y

8.* Has an authority figure ever used or threatened to use a knife or other weapon against you?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

*The frequency, age, and perpetrator items asked in item 7 were also included for item 8. Please see the full questionnaire for more details.

9. Now think back to any of these incidents when an authority figure was violent to you. Did any of these violent incidents: (answer for each option below)

  • Cause you to bleed
  • Cause broken bones or broken teeth
  • Cause severe bruising
  • Cause you to seek care at a clinic
  • Cause you to seek care at a hospital

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2
Don’t know - 88
Declined to answer - 98

Scoring Procedures

Not Applicable

Original Citation

Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and Collaborating Center for Operational Research and Evaluation (CCORE). (2013). National Baseline Survey on Life Experiences of Adolescents, 2011.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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