Women's Decision Making-Yemen is a 6-item measure of the decision making power that a woman has within her own household. It asks women who in their family has the final say on decisions regarding different domains, and then enquires about disagreements and potential resolutions with respect to the said decisions. This measure has also been validated for use in Ecuador and Yemen.
Geographies Tested: Uganda
Populations Included: Female
Age Range: Adolescents, Adults
1. Who in your family usually has the final say on the decision:
Response Options:
Respondent - 1
Husband - 2
Someone else - 3
Respondent and husband jointly - 4
Respondent and someone else jointly - 5
Decision not made not applicable - 98
2. In the last year, has there been a disagreement about this type of decision?
Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2
3. When the disagreement was resolved, whose opinion was taken as the final say?
Response Options:
Respondent - 1
Husband - 2
Someone else - 3
Disagreement ongoing - 4
Compromise - 5
Decision not made not applicable - 99
4. Looking back on the last year, would you say that your personal decision making power in [domain] has increased, decreased or stayed the same?
Response Options:
Increased - 1
Decreased - 2
Stayed the same - 3
Four different measures can be constructed, using raw summations over the number of domains in which (1) the woman is the sole decisionmaker, (2) the woman is a sole or joint decisionmaker, (3) the woman is the ultimate sole decisionmaker after a dispute/disagreement (actual or hypothetical), and (4) the woman’s ideal decisionmaker aligns with the actual decisionmaker.
Peterman, A., Schwab, B., Roy, S., Hidrobo, M., & Gilligan, D. O. (2021). Measuring women’s decisionmaking: Indicator choice and survey design experiments from cash and food transfer evaluations in Ecuador, Uganda and Yemen. World Development, 141, 105387. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105387
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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