Equitable Attitudes Scale

The Equitable Attitudes within Relationships Scale is a 16-item measure of individual attitudes toward gender roles within relationships, based on the Gender Equitable Men scale (Pulerwitz and Baker 2008). Different aspects of equitable attitudes within relationships captured by the scale include parental responsibilities, sexual expectations, son preference, and gender-based violence.


Geographies Tested: Ethiopia,Kenya

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


  1. Men need sex more than women do
  2. You don't talk about sex, you just do it
  3. It is a woman's responsibility to avoid getting pregnant
  4. A man should have the final word about decisions In his home
  5. Men are always ready to have sex
  6. A woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together
  7. A man needs other women even if things with his wife are fine
  8. A man can hit his wife if she will not have sex with him
  9. A couple should decide together if they want to have children
  10. Changing diapers, giving the kids a bath, and feeding the kids are the mothers’ responsibility
  11. A woman can suggest using condoms just like a man can
  12. A man should know what his partner likes during sex
  13. A man and a woman should decide together what type of contraceptive to use
  14. A real man produces a male child
  15. Men and women should share household chores
  16. A woman should not initiate sex

Response Options:

Scoring Procedures

For each item, answers that indicate a more equitable balance of power in the relationship are coded as 1 and answers that indicate a less equitable balance of power in the relationship are coded as 0. When summed, this results in higher scores reflecting a more equal balance of power perceived by the respondent and lower scores reflecting a less equal balance of power. The scores do not indicate a finite amount of power perceived by each individual. For example, for the item 'My partner has more say than I do about important decisions that affect us', a yes answer will receive 0 and a no answer will receive 1.

Original Citation

Stephenson, R., Bartel, D., & Rubardt, M. (2012). Constructs of power and equity and their association with contraceptive use among men and women in rural Ethiopia and Kenya. Global public health, 7(6), 618-634. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2012.672581

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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