Multidimensional Aversion to Women Who Work Scale (MAWWWS)- Short Form is a 5-item scale that aims to understand attitudes towards women who work through two subscales: Employment Skepticism and Traditional Roles Preference. This measure is an adapted version of the 10-item MAWWWS found here.
Geographies Tested: United States of America
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adolescents
Employment Skepticism
1. Women lack the skills and abilities needed at work
2. Women are not suited for work outside of the home
3. I am skeptical about women’s effectiveness in the workplace
Traditional Roles Preference
4. Traditional husbandwife roles are the best
5. Women are happier in traditional roles
Response Options:
4- point Likert Scale
Strongly disagree - 1
Disagree - 2
Agree - 3
Strongly Agree - 4
Item scores are averaged to create the total score from 1-4. Higher scores imply more traditional gender attitudes.
Valentine, S. (2003). Confirmatory examination of the Multidimensional Aversion to Women Who Work Scale. Psychological Reports, 92, 757-762.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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