Sexual Experiences Survey – Short Form Perpetration

The Sexual Experiences Survey – Short Form Perpetration is a 7-item measure to assess unwanted sexual perpetration (unwanted sexual contact, sexual coercion, attempted rape, and rape) and is completed with reference to the past year or since age 14 years. The measure was developed along with the Sexual Experiences Survey – Short Form Victimization, which can be found here.


Geographies Tested: United States of America

Populations Included: Male

Age Range: Adolescents, Adults


1.I fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of someone’s body (lips, breastchest, crotch or butt) or removed some of their clothes without their consent (but did not attempt sexual penetration) by:

a. Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b. Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c. Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d. Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e. Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

2.I had oral sex with someone or had someone perform oral sex on me without their consent by:

a. Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b. Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c. Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d. Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e. Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

3.I put my penis (men only) or I put my fingers or objects (all respondents) into a woman’s vagina without her consent by:

a. Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b. Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c. Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d. Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e. Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

4.I put in my penis (men only) or I put my fingers or objects (all respondents) into someone’s butt without their consent by:

a.Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b.Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c.Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d.Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e.Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

5.Even though it did not happen, I TRIED to have oral sex with someone or make them have oral sex with me without their consent by:

a.Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b.Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c.Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d.Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e.Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

6.I put in my penis (men only) or I put my fingers or objects (all respondents) into someone’s butt without their consent by:

a.Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b.Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c.Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d.Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e.Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

7.Even though it did not happen, I TRIED to have oral sex with someone or make them have oral sex with me without their consent by:

a.Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, making promises about the future I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring them after they said they didn’t want to.
b.Showing displeasure, criticizing their sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force after they said they didn’t want to.
c.Taking advantage when they were too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening.
d.Threatening to physically harm them or someone close to them.
e.Using force, for example holding them down with my body weight, pinning their arms, or having a weapon.

Response Options:

i.How many times in the past 12 months?
0, 1, 2, 3+

ii.How many times since age 14?
0, 1, 2, 3+

8.I am: Female Male My age is _____ years and __months.

9.Did you do any of the acts described in this survey 1 or more times?

Response Options:

If yes, what was the sex of the person or persons to whom you did them?

Response Options:
Female only
Male only
Both females and males
I reported no experiences

10.Do you think you may have you ever raped someone?

Response Options:

Scoring Procedures

The detailed scoring procedure can be found here.

Original Citation

Johnson, S. M., Murphy, M. J., & Gidycz, C. A. (2017). Reliability and validity of the sexual experiences survey–short forms victimization and perpetration. Violence and victims, 32(1), 78-92.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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