The Vignette-Based Teasing/Bullying Adolescents Preferring to Play with the Opposite Sex is taken from the Global Early Adolescent Study (GEAS). This measure consists of 12 items that are adjusted in 2 different versions - with 6 items each for males and females. This measure assesses participants’ behavioral attitude and gender notions by asking them to respond to specific scenarios regarding bullying actions as they interact with the opposite sex playmates. The Global Early Adolescent Study is a multi-country study focused on elucidating the factors that promote sexual and reproductive health, and risk factors associated with poor outcomes among early adolescents.
Geographies Tested: Belgium,Bolivia,Burkina Faso,China,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Ecuador,Egypt,India,Kenya,Malawi,Nigeria,South Africa,United Kingdom,United States of America,Vietnam
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adolescents
Female Version:
Item 1 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“Ever since she was a child, P has always felt bored playing with other girls, and prefers to play with boys. She is now 13 and one day after school she sees her male classmates standing in a circle chatting in the middle of the playground. P wants to join them. She approaches them asking to join in.”
1. What do you think the boys would do when P asks to join in? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* They welcome her to join, just like anyone else They say that she can’t join since the conversation is for boys only They refuse and call her names for wanting to act like a boy They allow her to join because she is good at the games they play They allow her to join, but tease her Refuse to answer
Item 2 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“The boys refuse to allow P to join their conversation.”
2. Why do you think they refuse to let her join them? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* Because they feel uncomfortable discussing boy stuff with a girl Because they think girls should hang out with girls and boys with boys Because they think that P is very weird/unusual Because they don’t want to be friends with someone they think is a lesbian/homosexual Refuse to answer
Item 3 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“Conversation turns to sports and the boys start preparing for a soccer [site-specific: popular local game that boys play game. Again, P asks to join. Again, she is told no.”
3. What do most of P’s female classmates think about her not being allowed to join the boys’ soccer game? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* They think she should be able to participate They think it is unfair, but girls are never allowed to play with boys They think P is weird and just makes trouble for herself They think she is probably lesbian/homosexual Refuse to answer
Item 4 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“Imagine that the situation was reversed and it was a boy, A, who preferred to play with girls and who saw his female classmates standing in a circle talking and wanted to join them. A approaches them, asking to join in.”
4. What do you think the girls would do when A asks to join in? Pick the one best option among the following:
Response Options:* They welcome him to join, just like anyone else They say that he can’t join since the conversation is for girls only They refuse and tease him for wanting to act like a girl They allow him to join because he is good at the games they play They allow him to join, but tease him Refuse to answer
Item 5 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“The girls refuse to allow A to join their conversation.”
5. Why do you think they refuse to let A join them? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* Because they feel uncomfortable discussing girl stuff with a boy Because they think girls should hang out with girls and boys with boys Because they think that A is very weird/unusual Because they don’t want to be friends with someone they think is gay/homosexual Refuse to answer
6. If you were with a group of female friends and a boy like A asked to join, would you let him join? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* Yes, I would have let him join like anyone else Yes, I would have let him join, but I would not want to have anything to do with him No, because a guy like that would have made trouble for the group No, because a guy like that is weird or gay and I would rather not have him around No, because he would have been bullied if he had joined and it would not have been fun for the rest of us No, because I would not want to confront my female friends who are opposed Refuse to answer
Male Version
Item 7 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“Ever since he was a child, P has always felt bored playing with other boys, and prefers to play with girls. He is now 13 and one day after school he sees her female classmates standing in a circle chatting in the middle of the playground. P wants to join them. He approaches them asking to join in.”
7. What do you think the girls would do when P asks to join in? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* They welcome him to join, just like anyone else They say that he can’t join since the conversation is for girls only They refuse and call him names for wanting to act like a girl They allow him to join because he is good at the games they play They allow him to join, but tease him Refuse to answer
Item 8 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“The girls refuse to allow P to join their conversation.”
8. Why do you think they refuse to let him join them? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* Because they feel uncomfortable discussing girl stuff with a boy Because they think boys should hang out with boys and girls with girls Because they think that P is very weird/unusual Because they don’t want to be friends with someone they think is a gay/homosexual Refuse to answer
Item 9 is preceded by the following vignette text:
Conversation turns to games and the girls start playing jump rope together [site-specific: popular local activity that girls engage in]. Again, P asks to join. Again, he is told no.”
9. What do most of P’s male classmates think about her not being allowed to join jump rope with the girls? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* They think he should be able to participate They think it is unfair, but boys are never allowed to play with girls They think P is weird and just makes trouble for himself They think he is probably gay/homosexual Refuse to answer
Item 10 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“Imagine that the situation was reversed and it was a girl, A, who preferred to play with boys and who saw her male classmates standing in a circle talking and wanted to join them. A approaches them, asking to join in.”
10. What do you think the boys would do when A asks to join in? Pick the one best option among the following:
Response Options:* They welcome her to join, just like anyone else They say that she can’t join since the conversation is for boys only They refuse and tease her for wanting to act like a boy They allow her to join because she is good at the games they play They allow her to join, but tease her Refuse to answer
Item 11 is preceded by the following vignette text:
“The boys refuse to allow A to join their conversation.”
11. Why do you think they refuse to let A join them? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* Because they feel uncomfortable discussing boy stuff with a girl Because they think boys should hang out with boys and girls with girls Because they think that A is very weird/unusual Because they don’t want to be friends with someone they think is lesbian/homosexual Refuse to answer
12. If you were with a group of male friends and a girl like A asked to join, would you let her join? Pick the best option among the following:
Response Options:* Because they feel uncomfortable discussing boy stuff with a girl Because they think boys should hang out with boys and girls with girls Because they think that A is very weird/unusual Because they don’t want to be friends with someone they think is lesbian/homosexual Refuse to answer
* Numeric codes for the Response Options above were not provided in the original questionnaire
Please contact authors for guidance on the scoring procedures.
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and The World Health Organization. (2017). Global Early Adolescent Study Vignettes-Based Measure of Gender Equality.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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