Intrahousehold Decision-Making Vignettes

Intrahousehold Decision-Making Vignettes is a 9-item measure based on 5 vignettes regarding household decision-making among a married couple. The scenarios are related to decisions made about livestock and respondents are asked whether the decision-maker made the best decision for the family.


Geographies Tested: Senegal

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults



  • Abdou and Mariama are married. Abdou decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows because he makes all decisions for the family.
  • Mody and Faty are married. Mody decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows because the concentrated food comes from his own milk sales.
  • Mousa and Bineta are married. Mousa decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows because he makes these decisions while Bineta makes other decisions for the family.
  • Sileve and Aminata are married. Sileve decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows because most men in the community make these decisions.
  • Bocar and Debo are maaried. Bocar decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows because he has the most information on the herd, so he knows how to distribute the concentrated food.

1. Do you and your husband resemble this couple?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

2. Is your couple completely similar or only somewhat similar to this couple?

Response Options:
Completely similar - 1
Somewhat similar - 2

3. Is your couple completely different or only somewhat different from this couple?

Response Options:
Completely different - 1
Somewhat different - 2

4. Among the couples that you resemble, which is the MOST similar to your couple?

Response Options:
Abdou and Mariama - 1
Mody and Faty - 2
Mousa and Bineta - 3
Sileve and Aminata - 4
Bocar and Debo - 5

If item 4=1:
5. You told me that your couple is similar to the couple in which the husband makes all of the decisions for the family. When your husband decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows, does he make good decisions for your household?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

6. Does he make the best possible choices for your household or does he only make choices that are generally good for your household?

Response Options:
The best choices - 1
Good choices - 2

7. Does he make choices that are bad for your household or does he only make choices that are not generally very good for your household?

Response Options:
Bad choices - 1
Choices that are not very good - 2

If item 4=2:
5. You told me that your couple is similar to the couple in which the husband decides how to allocate the food among the lactating cows because the concentrated food comes from his own milk sales. When your husband decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows, does he make good decisions for your household?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

6. Does he make the best possible choices for your household or does he only make choices that are generally good for your household?

Response Options:
The best choices - 1
Good choices - 2

7. Does he make choices that are bad for your household or does he only make choices that are not generally very good for your household?

Response Options:
Bad choices - 1
Choices that are not very good - 2

If item 4=3:
5. You told me that your couple is similar to the couple in which the husband decides how to allocate the food among the lactating cows becuase he makes these decisions while his wife makes other decisions. makes all of the decisions for the family. When your husband decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows, does you (plural) make good decisions for your household?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

6. Do you (plural) make the best possible choices for your household or does he only make choices that are generally good for your household?

Response Options:
The best choices - 1
Good choices - 2

7. Do you (plural) make choices that are bad for your household or does he only make choices that are not generally very good for your household?

Response Options:
Bad choices - 1
Choices that are not very good - 2

If item 4=4:
5. You told me that your couple is similar to the couple in which the husband decides how to allocate the food among the lactating cows because most men in the community make these decisions. makes all of the decisions for the family. When your husband decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows, does he make good decisions for your household?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

6. Does he make the best possible choices for your household or does he only make choices that are generally good for your household?

Response Options:
The best choices - 1
Good choices - 2

7. Does he make choices that are bad for your household or does he only make choices that are not generally very good for your household?

Response Options:
Bad choices - 1
Choices that are not very good - 2

If item 4=5:
5. You told me that your couple is similar to the couple in which the husband decides how to allocate the food among the lactating cows because he has the most information on the herd, so he knows how to distribute the concentrated food. When your husband decides how to allocate the concentrated food among the lactating cows, does he make good decisions for your household?

Response Options:
Yes - 1
No - 2

6. Does he make the best possible choices for your household or does he only make choices that are generally good for your household?

Response Options:
The best choices - 1
Good choices - 2

7. Does he make choices that are bad for your household or does he only make choices that are not generally very good for your household?

Response Options:
Bad choices - 1
Choices that are not very good - 2

8. Now I would like to ask you to think of a couple that you admire. In this couple, who decides how to allocate the food among the lactating cows?

Response Options:
The husband without his wifewives - 1
The wife without her husband - 2
The husband and wifewives together - 3
The husband and wifewives separately - 4

9. Among the five couples that we have discussed, which one does the couple that you admire resemble?

Response Options:
Abdou and Mariama - 1
Mody and Faty - 2
Mousa and Bineta - 3
Sileve and Aminata - 4
Bocar and Debo - 5
None of the couples - 99

Scoring Procedures

Not Applicable

Original Citation

Bernard, T., Doss, C., Hidrobo, M., Hoel, J., & Kieran, C. (2020). Ask me why: Patterns of intrahousehold decision-making. World Development, 125.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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