Gender Competency for Family Planning Providers: Supporting Legal Rights and Status Related to Family Planning is a 10-item module of a larger framework. This module assesses a provider's understanding of the need to support legal rights and status related to family planning.
Geographies Tested: Ghana,Uganda
Populations Included: Female, Male
Age Range: Adults
1. I know if spousal consent is legally required to provide a modern contraceptive method to a client.
2. It is difficult for me to find correct information about family planning policies related to the rights of the client.*
3. If I do not know something about a client's reproductive health rights, I know where I can find out.
4. I know whether spousal consent is legally required for sterilization, like for vasectomy or tubal ligation, as a form of contraception.
5. I should discuss all contraceptive method options with a client regardless of their age.
6. I always support a woman's final decision even if it does not align with my beliefs and values.
7. I should not be expected to know about laws and policies related to family planning if I am only counseling clients.*
8. I have a hard time explaining rights related family planning to my clients.*
9. I should discuss all contraceptive method options with a client regardless of whether they are married or not.
10. I always keep my client's information private unless they give me permission to share it.
Response Options:
Strongly agree - 4
Agree - 3
Disagree - 2
Strongly disagree - 1
*Items are reverse scored.
The score of each individual item is added to create the total scale score. Score less than 32 are considered low gender competency. Scores 32-35 are medium competency and above 35 is high gender competency.
Andrinopoulos, K., McGuire, C., Namisango, E., Dako-Gyeke, P., Reisz, T., & Wisniewski, J. (2023). A provider self-assessment tool to measure gender competency for family planning services.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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