Gender Competency for Family Planning Providers: Supporting Legal Rights and Status Related to Family Planning

Gender Competency for Family Planning Providers: Supporting Legal Rights and Status Related to Family Planning is a 10-item module of a larger framework. This module assesses a provider's understanding of the need to support legal rights and status related to family planning.


Geographies Tested: Ghana,Uganda

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


1. I know if spousal consent is legally required to provide a modern contraceptive method to a client.
2. It is difficult for me to find correct information about family planning policies related to the rights of the client.*
3. If I do not know something about a client's reproductive health rights, I know where I can find out.
4. I know whether spousal consent is legally required for sterilization, like for vasectomy or tubal ligation, as a form of contraception.
5. I should discuss all contraceptive method options with a client regardless of their age.
6. I always support a woman's final decision even if it does not align with my beliefs and values.
7. I should not be expected to know about laws and policies related to family planning if I am only counseling clients.*
8. I have a hard time explaining rights related family planning to my clients.*
9. I should discuss all contraceptive method options with a client regardless of whether they are married or not.
10. I always keep my client's information private unless they give me permission to share it.

Response Options:
Strongly agree - 4
Agree - 3
Disagree - 2
Strongly disagree - 1

*Items are reverse scored.

Scoring Procedures

The score of each individual item is added to create the total scale score. Score less than 32 are considered low gender competency. Scores 32-35 are medium competency and above 35 is high gender competency.

Original Citation

Andrinopoulos, K., McGuire, C., Namisango, E., Dako-Gyeke, P., Reisz, T., & Wisniewski, J. (2023). A provider self-assessment tool to measure gender competency for family planning services.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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