Global Barometer Survey Wave 2 (2011-2013): Social Capital

The Global Barometer Survey Wave 2: Social Capital measure uses 8 items regarding social capital from the Global Barometer Survey Wave 2, a global survey that aims to explore citizens’ attitudes toward democracy, governance and political reform. Membership in organizations or formal groups, trust in individuals, and influential positions held are captured here. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire located here.


Geographies Tested: Algeria,Argentina,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Bahrain,Bangladesh,Belarus,Benin,Bolivia,Botswana,Brazil,Burkina Faso,Burundi,Cambodia,Cameroon,Cape Verde,Chile,China,Colombia,Costa Rica,Cote d'Ivoire,Dominican Republic,Ecuador,Egypt,El Salvador,Ethiopia,Georgia,Ghana,Guatemala,Guinea,Honduras,India,Indonesia,Iraq,Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan,Kenya,Korea, South,Kuwait,Kyrgyzstan,Lebanon,Lesotho,Liberia,Libya,Madagascar,Malawi,Malaysia,Mali,Mauritius,Mexico,Moldova,Morocco,Mozambique,Namibia,Nepal,Nicaragua,Niger,Nigeria,Pakistan,Panama,Paraguay,Peru,Philippines,Russia,Saudi Arabia,Senegal,Sierra Leone,Singapore,South Africa,Spain,Sri Lanka,Sudan,Swaziland,Taiwan,Tanzania,Thailand,Togo,Tunisia,Uganda,Ukraine,Uruguay,Venezuela,Yemen,Zambia,Zimbabwe

Populations Included: Female, Male

Age Range: Adults


1. Are you a member of any organization or formal groups?
IF YES: Please tell me the three (3) most important organizations or formal groups you belong to.

  • First Organization
  • Second Organization
  • Third Organization

Response Options:
Political parties - 1
Residential & community associations - 2
Religious groups - 3
Sports recreational clubs - 4
Culture organizations - 5
Charities - 6
Public interest groups (exc.) - 7
Labor unions - 8
Farmer unions or agricultural associations - 9
Professional organizations - 10
Business association - 11
Parent-Teacher Association or PTA - 12
Producer cooperative - 13
Consumer cooperative - 14
Alumni association - 15
Candidate support organization - 16
Other occupational organizations (etc.) - 17
Other volunteer organizations - 18
Not a member of any organization or group - 90
Decline to answer - 99

2. Generally speaking, would you say that “Most people can be trusted” or “that you must be very careful in dealing with people”?

Response Options:
Most people can be trusted - 1
You must be very careful in dealing with people -2
Do not understand the question - 7
Can’t choose - 8
Decline to answer - 9

3. How much trust do you have in each of the following types of people?

  • Your relatives
  • Your neighbors
  • Other people you interact with

Response Options:
None at all - 1
Not very much Trust - 2
Quite a lot of Trust - 3
A great deal of Trust - 4
Do not understand the question - 7
Can’t choose - 8
Decline to answer - 9

4. On average, about how many people do you have contact with in a typical week day? We are interested in contact on a one-on-one basis, including everyone with whom you chat, talk, or discuss matters. This can be face to face, by telephone, by mail, or on the internet. Please include only people you know.

Response Options:
0-4 people - 1
5-9 people - 2
10-19 people - 3
20-49 people - 4
50 or more people - 5
Not applicable - 0
Can’t choose - 8
Decline to answer - 9

5. Some people because of their job, position in the community or contacts, are asked by others to help influence important decisions in their favor. What about you? How often are you asked to help influence important decisions in other people’s favor?

Response Options:
Never - 1
Seldom - 2
Occasionally - 3
Often - 4
Do not understand the question - 7
Can’t choose - 8
Decline to answer - 9

6. And are there people you could ask to help influence important decisions in your favor?

Response Options:
No, nobody - 1
Yes, a few - 2
Yes, some - 3
Yes, a lot - 4
Do not understand the question - 7
Can’t choose - 8
Decline to answer - 9

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “By helping people in trouble today, someone else will help me when I am in trouble someday.”

Response Options:
Agree - 1
Somewhat agree - 2
Somewhat disagree - 3
Disagree - 4
Do not understand the question - 7
Can’t choose - 8
Decline to answer - 9

8. Would you have a hard time conversing with your friends or co-workers about politics if you had differing opinions? Even if the person listed does not actually exist, please answer how you imagine you would feel.

Response Options:
Very hard - 1
A bit hard - 2
Not too hard - 3
Not hard at all - 4
Do not understand the question - 7
Can’t choose - 8
Don’t respond - 9

Scoring Procedures

Not Applicable

Original Citation

Global Barometer Surveys (2018). Global Barometer Survey of Democracy, Governance and Development.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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