Agency, Resources, and Institutional Structures for Sanitation-related Empowerment (ARISE): Financial and Productive Assets

The Financial and Productive Assets measure is one of ten total scales in the Agency, Resources, and Institutional Structures for Sanitation-related Empowerment (ARISE) Scales (Sinharoy, 2023). The measure is intended to capture control over money, the ability to acquire money, and adequacy of finances to meet basic sanitation needs.


Geographies Tested: India,Uganda

Populations Included: Female

Age Range: Adults


1. I have control over money that I could use to contribute to a community sanitation project.
2. I have control over money that I could use to pay for household latrine/toilet improvements or repairs.
3. I have control over money that I could use to pay for household latrine/toilet construction.
4. I could acquire money to build a household latrine/toilet by selling or renting something I own or by earning money through work.
5. I could acquire money to improve or repair a household latrine/toilet by selling or renting something I own or by earning money through work.
6. I could acquire money to build a household latrine/toilet by accessing credit or participating in a savings group.
7. I would need to ask permission before spending household money on small sanitation-related expenses, such as toilet paper, soap, or pay-per-use latrines.
8. I depend on someone else to pay for small sanitation-related expenses, such as toilet paper, soap, or pay-per-use latrines.

Response Options:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Scoring Procedures

Items in the scale are summed. A weighted score is not necessary.

Original Citation

Sinharoy, S. S., McManus, S., Conrad, A., Patrick, M., & Caruso, B. A. (2023). The Agency, Resources, and Institutional Structures for Sanitation-related Empowerment (ARISE) Scales: Development and validation of measures of women's empowerment in urban sanitation for low- and middle-income countries. World Development, 164, 106183.

Psychometric Score

Ease of Use Score

Scoring breakdown

Formative Research

Qualitative Research

Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework

Field Expert Input

Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing








Criterion (gold-standard)



Ease of Use


Scoring Clarity


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