The Demographic and Health Survey Phase 8 (DHS-8): Maternal Health Care Services includes 5 items from the Women's Questionnaire to assess where/from whom antenatal care was received and the frequency of antenatal care. Navigational aspects (i.e. skip-out patterns and next question sequences) have not been included on this page but can be viewed on the original questionnaire located here.
Geographies Tested: Afghanistan,Angola,Burkina Faso,Cambodia,Cameroon,Cote d'Ivoire,Ethiopia,Ghana,Guatemala,Guinea,Kenya,Madagascar,Mozambique,Myanmar (Burma),Nepal,Rwanda,Senegal,The Gambia,Zimbabwe
Populations Included: Female
Age Range: Adolescents, Adults
1. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy?
Response Options:
2. Whom did you see? Anyone else? (Probe to identify each type of person and record all mentioned.)
Response Options:
Health Personnel:
Auxiliary Midwife
Other Person:
Traditional Birth Attendant
Community Health WorkerField worker
Other (Additionally, specify in text)
3. Where did you receive antenatal care for this pregnancy? Anywhere else? (Probe to identify the type of source)
Response Options:
Her home
Other home
Public sector:
Government hospital
Government health center
Government health post
Other public sector (specify)
Private Medical Sector:
Private hospital
Private clinic
Other private medical sector (specify)
NGO Medical Sector:
NGO hospital
NGO clinic
Other NGO medical sector (specify)
Other (specify)
If unable to determine if public, private, or NGO sector, record ‘X’ and write the name of the place(s).
4. How many weeks or months pregnant were you when you first received antenatal care for this pregnancy?
Response Options:
2-digit numeric value (_Weeks)
2-digit numeric value (_Months)
Don’t know
5. How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy?
Response Options:
2-digit numeric value (_Number of Times)
Don’t know
Not Applicable
Demographic and Health Surveys (2019). Demographic and Health Surveys: Women's Questionnaire.
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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