The London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy is a 6-item measure focusing on the circumstances and feelings around the time the respondent became pregnant most recently. Final scores given are classified as most recent pregnancy having been planned, ambivalent or unplanned. Further up-to-date information regarding the measure can be found here.
Geographies Tested: United Kingdom
Populations Included: Female
Age Range: Adolescents, Adults
Below are some questions that ask about your circumstances and feelings around the time you became pregnant. Please think of your current (or most recent) pregnancy when answering the questions below.
*1.In the month that I became pregnant...
Response Options:
Iwe were not using contraception - 2
Iwe were using contraception, but not on every occasion - 1
Iwe always used contraception, but knew that the method had failed (i.e.
broke, moved, came off, came out, not worked etc) at least once - 1
Iwe always used contraception - 0
2.*In terms of becoming a mother (first time or again), I feel that my pregnancy happened at the...
Response Options:
Right time - 2
Ok, but not quite right time - 1
Wrong time - 0
*3.Just before I became pregnant...
Response Options:
I intended to get pregnant - 2
My intentions kept changing - 1
I did not intend to get pregnant - 0
*4.Just before I became pregnant...
Response Options:
I wanted to have a baby - 2
I had mixed feelings about having a baby - 1
I did not want to have a baby - 0
In the next question, we ask about your partner - this might be (or have been) your husband, a partner you live with, a boyfriend, or someone you’ve had sex with once or twice.
*5.Before I became pregnant...
Response Options:
My partner and I had agreed that we would like me to be pregnant - 2
My partner and I had discussed having children together, but hadn’t agreed for me to get pregnant - 1
We never discussed having children together - 0
**6.Before you became pregnant, did you do anything to improve your health in preparation for pregnancy?
Response Options:
Two or more actions - 2
One action - 1
*Please tick the statement which most applies to you
**Please tick all that apply
Total scores range from 0 to 12. Increasing score represent increasing pregnancy planning/intention. Scores cut-offs are suggested as follows:
Barrett, G., Smith, S. C., & Wellings, K. (2004). Conceptualisation, development, and evaluation of a measure of unplanned pregnancy. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 58(5), 426-433. .
Psychometric Score
Ease of Use Score
Qualitative Research
Existing Literature/Theoretical Framework
Field Expert Input
Cognitive Interviews / Pilot Testing
Criterion (gold-standard)
Scoring Clarity
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